SENDIASS Drop In Session
Once every half term we offer a session to explain who we are, what to expect from us and how to get the best from… Continue Reading SENDIASS Drop In Session
SEND support in mainstream schools – This session covers what SEND support is and what settings should and could provide. Helping you prepare for SEND meetings, we will talk about the Graduated Response, reasonable adjustments and receiving support from other services. This is an informal group session with information presented in the first section, followed by open discussion and questions, so please come to the session ready to learn and share. When you have booked your place, you will receive an email with more information and a link to the virtual meeting which is hosted vis MS Teams. Arriving to the session 10 minutes early allows us time to make sure everyone can access the meeting and we can get started on time.
Requesting an Education, Health and Care Assessment (EHCAR) – Are you considering requesting an EHC Needs Assessment for your child or young person?(EHCAR) This session helps you understand the process of requesting an assessment and how to manage this with a view to your child or young person receiving an EHC plan. This is an informal group session with information presented in the first section, followed by open discussion and questions, so please come to the session ready to learn and share. When you have booked your place, you will receive an email with more information and a link to the virtual meeting which is hosted vis MS Teams. Arriving to the session 10 minutes early allows us time to make sure everyone can access the meeting and we can get started on time.
Regular SENDIASS drop-in session – Informal Parent Carer Question and Answer Session. We encourage parents and carers to use this session to ‘drop in’ at any point within the hour to ask questions about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A member of our team is online for an hour ready to give advice, answer any questions you have and to signpost to further information you may need. It is a safe environment where we ensure no specific individuals or settings are named. When you have booked your place, you will receive an email with more information and a link to the virtual meeting which is hosted vis MS Teams
Once every half term we offer a session to explain who we are, what to expect from us and how to get the best from… Continue Reading SENDIASS Drop In Session
This session covers what SEND support is and what settings should and could provide. Helping you prepare for SEND meetings, the Graduated Response, what are… Continue Reading SEND Support in Mainstream School Virtual Session
Are you considering requesting an EHC assessment? This session helps you understand the process of requesting an assessment and how to manage this with a… Continue Reading Requesting an Education, Health and Care Assessment Virtual Session
Once a month there is a virtual drop-in hour using MsTeams. This is an informal session where parents and carer’s can attend at any time… Continue Reading SEND Support in Mainstream Schools
This session covers what SEND support is and what settings should and could provide. Helping you prepare for SEND meetings, the Graduated Response, what are… Continue Reading SEND Support in Mainstream Schools Virtual Session
This is a young person’s group that shares they views and opinions to help us shape our service and for them to discuss topics important… Continue Reading For young people with SEND only (11-25 years old years old) Inspire2gether
Are you considering requesting an EHC assessment? This session helps you understand the process of requesting an assessment and how to manage this with a… Continue Reading Requesting an Education, Health and Care Assessment Virtual Session
Any professional working alongside a child or young person with SEND from North Yorkshire can join us for these free sessions
Once a month we let followers know we are going live on social media. This session lets anyone ask a question through Facebook, messenger or… Continue Reading Facebook Q&A Session
This is a session to explain who we are, what to expect from us and how to get the best from our service.