North Yorkshire

Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information,
Advice and Support Service.


Information, advice and support

Children and young people with SEND 0 – 25 years

Special Educational Provision

Information and advice about SEN support and Education Health and Care Plans

Mainstream schools/colleges and specialist institutions

Impartial information about educational settings

About us

Find out more about the North Yorkshire team and what we can offer.

Parents and carers

Information for parent/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, from SEN Support to EHC Plans and much more.

Young people

Information for young people with special educational needs and disabilities. This includes information on accessing support in education to preparing for adulthood, and the young people’s group Inspire 2gether.


Information for professionals working with SEND children and young people 0 – 25 years. Please use our professional online contact form.

News and events

Keep up to date with our latest service newsletters and organised online sessions.

Contact us

We have many ways that you can contact us, and the best way is filling in our on-line contact form as this gives enough detail for us to offer the right information and advice.

About Us

Welcome to SENDIASS

SENDIASS North Yorkshire provides information, advice and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (0-25 years) and their parents or carers. Young people (16-25 years old) are very welcome to contact us directly for information, advice and support too.

For impartial information and advice that is confidential. Covering education, health and social care for children and young people with SEND


Listen to your views and concerns


Help you feel more confident


Explain your options, rights and responsibilities


Support to resolve disagreements

Confidential information, advice and support for parent/carers, children and young people living in North Yorkshire

What is special educational provision?

This is provision that is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils or students of the same age

What is special educational provision?
This is provision that is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils or students of the same age
How do I preference my child/young person’s school or educational placement if they have an EHC Plan?

You will be asked to give your choice of educational settings when you receive a draft EHC plan (link to parents carers section –> Education, Health and Care plan-> choosing a school or placement)

How do I challenge a local authority decision made about an EHC Plan?

When you receive a decision letter from the local authority this will give you your right to appeal, so it is important to keep this letter safe. Click here to learn more.

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