What you can expect:
You can contact SENDIASS North Yorkshire by :
Contact Form: Click Here
Phone: SENDIASS Advice Line: 01609 536923
Email: SENDIASS Advice Line: info@sendiassnorthyorks.org
Facebook: @Sendiassnorthyorks
Instagram: @SendiassNY
We will respond to your contact as soon as we can but when we are busy this may take up to 5 working day.
Please only contact us once either by phone, email or contact form and allow us up to 5 working days to get back to you before contacting us again.
We will gather details about your situation from your call, email or contact form to help us provide you with the information and advice you need.
Please give some brief details on why you are contacting us and where possible include your child's name, date of birth and your contact details. This helps us to check if you have been in touch with us before and what advice you have already received.
SENDIASS aim to give you information and advice to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.
We normally offer information and advice by telephone, email or through virtual meetings.
If you need information or advice to prepare for a meeting we will need up to ten working days notice to ensure we can offer you a preparation meeting in time.