Helpful Videos and Podcasts

Helpful Podcasts

Our Turn to Talk –  Our Turn to Talk 

Our Turn to Talk is the National Children’s Bureau Youth-led podcast programme, developed and hosted by Young People on the topics that they want to talk about.

Body image:

Social Media and ‘Beauty’ Standards | Our Turn to Talk

Autism and friendships – the ones that stand out from the crowd:

Exploring grief:

The importance of inclusive language:

Experience of education as an autistic person:

Understanding Education Health and Care Plans:

Accessing Mental Health Services as a Young Person:


Who are SENDIASS for young people by Leeds SENDIASS

We Are Limitless 

Videos from young people on their experiences in education  

FLARE (Friendship, Learning, Achieve, Reach, Empower)

FLARE (which stands for Friendship, Learning, Achieve, Reach, Empower) is a diverse group of disabled children and young people with special educational needs, aged up to 25 from across England.  

The group work together to share their views and experiences with the Department for Education and other organisations, helping them to  understand how children and young people across England want to receive the support and services they need. 

Video with Top tips to encourage children and young people to participate in virtual meetings. 

Visit the Flare Blogs below for more useful information

Grace’s Blog: My experience teaching professionals about co-production  

Zach’s Blog: Are apprenticeships accessible?

Work experience should be available to every teenager or young adult.  

Supported Internships  

Louise’s Blog: Detainment in assessment and treatment units  

Autistic and starting uni!  

Jacob’s blog: Starting my own youth voice group  

For more FLARE Blogs visit: FLARE blogs