Information sessions and events
A description of each free session we offer, and who they are most relevant for. Snap shot recordings of some of these sessions have been added to our Useful links section further below for your convenience.

This page shows the dates and gives the link to Eventbrite so you can book your session. We look forward to meeting you. Occasionally something may happen and you will be unable to attend, please let us know so we can offer the place to someone that may be on our waiting list.

Themes of the month
This page explains why we focus on particular themes on our social media.

Young person’s Newsletter’s from SENDIASS North Yorkshire (made in participation with Inspire 2gether) are shown here with voice over’s. Any other news will be added in this section too.

Useful links
You can find links to various services that support parent, carer’s, children and young people living within North Yorkshire and shorter webinar versions of information sessions that are offered live about, SEN support and also Education, Health and Care assessment requests.