
Requesting an EHC plan

What is an EHC Plan?

An Education, Health and Care Plan is a legal document which tells school, college and other settings all your needs and the support you should receive to help you learn, do your best and help you prepare for adulthood.

You might find this video from the CDC helpful as it explains what an Education, Health Care (EHC) plan is.

Our easy read leaflet explains what an EHC plan is and what it can help with.

Getting the Right Kind of Support – SENDIASS North Yorkshire

The following video gives you more information on what an EHC plan is and how it can help you with your education.

What is an Education, Health and Social Care (EHC) plan? 

How do I request an Education Health and Care plan?

You first need to ask for an Education Health Care (EHC) needs assessment.

If you are 16 or older then you can apply yourself, or if you are under 16 then ask a parent/carer or your school to apply for you.

SENDIASS can help you to fill in the forms.

Remember: not everyone who applies for an EHC plan will get one, but you should still be able to get the support you need at school.

The assessment is a way to look more closely at your special educational needs (SEND) and the support that you may need to help you to learn.

There is a standard form North Yorkshire Council like to use to request an assessment.  The school or college can support you with this or apply on your behalf.

You can find out more about what to include in your request for an EHC assessment via the link below.

A checklist to help for EHC needs assessments | Contact

There are four steps to an EHC needs assessment:

  • The Local Authority has six weeks from receiving the request to decide if they think that an assessment is needed. They do this by looking at all the information that is sent in with the request at a decision-making meeting (panel meeting)
  • If an assessment is not agreed, this is known as ‘refusal to assess‘ and you can challenge this decision by going to mediation or appeal to the SEND tribunal. A letter will be sent from the Local Authority which explains your rights.
  • If the assessment is agreed, you will be allocated a Local Authority SEND Casework Officer who will co-ordinate the assessment. You will be contacted by professionals such as an Educational Psychologist who will carry out an assessment of your needs. This will help the Local Authority decide whether they think an EHC plan (EHCP) is needed.
  • If the Local Authority decide not to issue an Education Health and Care Plan then again you can appeal. It is known as a ‘refusal to issue a plan‘ and you can contact the mediation provider or appeal to the SEND tribunal.   You can contact us if you want to talk about which is the best option for you.
  • If you wish to request a mediation meeting with Collis Mediation, their details will be in the letter from the Local Authority. At that meeting you can discuss why this decision was made.  Your school or college will be able to help you explain to the Local Authority why it is important that you have an EHCP.  If you are given an EHCP, it is a legal document that your school, college or setting must follow to support you with your learning and education.

Please be aware that having a needs assessment does not mean you will definitely get an Education Health and Care Plan.

It can give a better understanding of your need so that you can get the right support from your school or college as they should now understand your needs much better.

You can find further details on the process for an EHC Assessment in our Easy Read leaflet

Education Health and Care Needs Assessment- Easy Read  | SENDIASS North Yorkshire