Young people

How can SENDIASS help you?

Who we are and how we can help you.

Support in school or college

How to get help in school or college

Education Health and Care plans (EHC plan)

What an Education Health and Care Plan is, how to ask for one, how it supports you and how it is reviewed.

Choosing a school or college

Things you need to think about when visiting. What happens to your EHC plan when you move to higher education and the support you may be able to access.

Making a decision

How to prepare for meetings, information to help you make decisions, how to help you share your views, wishes and feelings.

Your rights

Information and practical advice about your rights as a young person with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Unhappy with your support or a decision

Information about making a complaint to different services and what are your rights at 16 years old

Preparation for adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood is about moving from your childhood into adulthood and planning for your future. This section helps to guide you through your options and things to think about.

Mental health support

Resources that may help support your mental health and what happens if you need to move (transition) to adult services

Young people in remand or custody

Information if you have an Education Health and Care Plan and if you do not how to request one.

North Yorkshire Local Offer

Every local authority in England must have a section in their website that gives lots of information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities for parent carers and young people within their area and nationally

Helpful videos and podcasts

Information about joining local young people’s groups, pod casts, blogs and videos

Inspire 2gether

Inspire 2gether is our SENDIASS young people’s group (11-25 years)