Unhappy about transport – what can you do

If your child/young person has an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) then their transport needs will be assessed automatically. (School and college transport in parent carers section)

If your child/young person does not have an EHCP but does have SEND, then you will need to apply for SEND Transport (School and college transport in parent carers section)

Is it a complaint or an appeal?

The ‘Travel to school for children of compulsory school age. Statutory guidance for local authorities. January 2024’ states that it is for a local authority to determine which matters should be handled as complaints and which should be handled as appeals. external linkTravel to school for children of compulsory school age (publishing.service.gov.uk)

If you are unhappy because the school bus is always late, for example or there is always a delay in replying to correspondence from you, this will be handled as a complaint. You would need to follow the local authority’s complaints process. external link Complaints, comments or compliments | North Yorkshire Council

You can submit a complaint to North Yorkshire Council by clicking on the Contact Us section through the link below

External link Contact us – North Yorkshire Council Customer Portal

If you are unhappy with a decision about whether your child is eligible for free transport or feel that the transport provided is not suitable, this would be handled as an appeal.

The ‘Travel to school for children of compulsory school age. Statutory guidance for local authorities. January 2024’ gives clear guidance about appeals. external link Travel to school for children of compulsory school age (publishing.service.gov.uk)

How do I appeal?

Once you have received the decision that you disagree with you need to follow the North Yorkshire Council appeals process outlined in their SEND Transport policy. external link Home to school travel policy for children from reception to Year 11 (northyorks.gov.uk)

This policy is in line with the current government guidance document.

Section E of the SEND Transport policy deals with appeals.

Annex 6 of the ‘Travel to school for children of compulsory school age. Statutory guidance for local authorities. January 2024’ has a useful flowchart of the suggested appeals process which gives a clear summary of the process. external link Travel to school for children of compulsory school age (publishing.service.gov.uk)