SEND support in mainstream school
Information about admissions, education settings, what they can do to help your child/young person and what the main areas of need are.

Education health and Care plans
There is a wide range of information about EHC plans (assessments, reviews, draft plans and choosing a placement) and other frequently asked questions.

Transport to school or college
What to do if you are not happy about your child or young person’s transport with or without an EHC plan.

Exclusions and suspensions
What a suspension and permanent exclusion is, how you can challenge this decision and information about part-time timetables.

Making a complaint
The different options that you have if you are unhappy about something related to your child/young person’s special educational needs, health needs or social care needs.

Challenging a decision about an Education, health and Care Plan
Information and practical advice about the Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) appeals process and SEND tribunal.

Early years
This covers a wide range of information about you child starting nursery or school.

Admissions in mainstream school or college
This covers a wide range of information covering queries you may have when applying for a school place.

Preparation for adulthood
Information and advice about moving from childhood into adulthood (known as ‘Preparing for Adulthood’-PFA) and planning for young person’s future.

Children and young people in remand and custody
Information about what the law says when a child or young person is detained and when you can ask for an EHC needs assessment, if one is required.

Service Families
As serving personal or a veteran with a child/ young person with SEND, you will find a range of information about the SEND local offer, Armed Forces Covenant and other resources that may be helpful.

Information and practical advice about school attendance.

Information on signs of bullying, different form of bullying and resources

Children / Young People in Care (looked after)
This describes the different kinds of care and how this may affect your child or young person and includes pupil premium information.

Elective home education and education otherwise than at school
Comprehensive information about educating your child/young person at home (EHE and EOTAS). From making the decision to changing your mind.

Additional support
Links to other websites and organisations that may be able to offer additional support.