Useful links

Information about SEND support (for 0-19 years)

This short webinar goes through what SEN support is and what to expect (0-19yrs)

In mainstream school or college

Education, Health and Care assessment requests

A short webinar explains the legal test to decide if a child/young person should be assessed for an EHC plan, what to consider and how to apply (0-25 years)

National Youth Advocacy service

For children, young people with SEND that need support from a free advocate within North Yorkshire to ensure their views, wishes and feelings are heard clearly.

PCV (Parent Carer Voice) North Yorkshire

This is North Yorkshire’s statutory group that takes the views of parent carers to the local authority to say what is working well and what gaps there are. There are a lot of events and information to be found within this group and is free to join

Carers’ Resource (covers specific parts of North Yorkshire)

This service will support parent carers and young carers, it also offer’s information about relevant benefits and gives other resources too

Collis Mediation Ltd

This free service is used for mediation or dispute resolution when challenging a decision with North Yorkshire local authority

Local Offer

This is a resource that gives national and local information about SEND. It includes SEND support, the services that may support your child, young person in education, training or learning and EHC plans, transport and local parent carer groups

IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice)

IPSEA offers bookable telephone advice, model letters and training sessions


This service offers alot of information to families including having a telephone line to advisors about SEND. It was a listening ear project to offer emotional support by telephone and has lots of information and advice on line

Government’s Legal Aid checker

Legal aid can help pay for legal advice.

Virtual Sessions Feedback Questionnaire

Virtual Information Session Feedback


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