Information sessions and events

Parents, carers and young people’s information sessions

We have regular information sessions for parent carers and young people living in North Yorkshire. You can book through our website. If you are unable to attend, we have recorded sessions to watch for your convenience and these are found in our useful links section.

They are free online virtual sessions hosted by MS teams. On some occasions we go out across the county to support events and offer similar or different sessions face to face but the virtual sessions are offered at monthly. If you need support to participate online and would like a familiar person to be with you in any of these sessions, please contact the advice line to let us know as we will always try to accommodate this. 

 If we are going out to support other organisations or groups, we will advertise these events on the front page of our website and on our SENDIASS North Yorkshire Facebook and Instagram media pages.  

Education, Health, and Care Assessment Request (EHCAR)

Information and advice about submitting a request for an Education Health and Care Plan assessment by North Yorkshire Council.

In this session we talk through SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) law around EHC Plan’s (Education, Health and Care Plans). Discuss how to submit a request for assessment and what happens after a request has been made. The information is presented at the first part of the sessions by one of the SENDIASS team and we have time for questions and answers towards the end. This session is for when your child, young person does not have an EHC plan.  

This session is specifically for Parents and Carers, if you are a young person or professional looking for similar information, please contact our advice line to discuss what you need. 01609 536923 

Special Educational Needs / Disabilities (SEND) Support in Mainstream School or college

Information and advice around SEND Support in Mainstream School or college. In this session we will cover the definition of SEND, the relevant law and types of SEND Support that could be offered in School or college. What the Graduated Approach means and what the main broad areas of needs are. We can also give advice on attending SEND Support meetings at schools. This information is presented in the first part of the session and afterwards we have time for questions. If your child or young person has an EHC plan that this will not be relevant to you.


SENDIASS Drop in Session

Anyone is welcome to join one of the SENDIASS team for an informal session where we will try to answer any questions you have about Special Education Needs and Disabilities for 0–25-year-olds. This slot is often held over a lunch time, on different days to allow you to drop in and out at any time. Join for as little or as long as you want. If others are in this session, please do not share your personal details or your child, young person’s details. We ask that everyone wait their turn to ask one question, then wait to ask more questions if needed, so no one waits too long. After your question is answered, you can choose to stay until the end of the session or leave once you are ready.  

We will give information and advice on SEND Law and processes here or may signpost you to other local or national organisations where appropriate. 

Professionals' sessions

Free information sessions for all professional’s and volunteers working with children or young people with SEND, living in North Yorkshire or are in the care of North Yorkshire Local Authority. Booking for the sessions below can be found on Education and Learning. North Yorkshire Education Service (NYES).  

If parent carers or young people would like to attend one of the sessions, please contact the SENDIASS advice line on 01609 536923 so we can discuss. We offer these free sessions every term.  

What is SENDIASS: Our role and responsibilities (with a questions & answers slot)

Come and find out what our statutory duties are and what we offer to parent carers, young people and professionals. What you can expect from you and what we expect from you. As an impartial service it is important to understand our role and this recorded session may help you consider when to contact us directly.  Please book on using NYES.  

Participating with young people in meetings

This session was created when our young people’s group, ‘Inspire 2gether’ identified this as their main theme and wanted us to support them in getting their views and feelings heard to professionals. It is aimed at working alongside all Education, Health, and Social Care professionals who organise meetings or reviews. It is clear in SEND law that reviews must be personal centred, so our young people wanted to help professionals consider what they need when a meeting is planned. What would make things easier so they can participate and what things might make it even better.  This is a recorded session to allow you to listen at your convenience. Please book on NYES.