SENDIASS North Yorkshire provides information and advice on SEND policy, process and law to parents carers of children with special educational needs or a disability or to young people with a special educational needs or disability up to the age of 25.
Our service is:
- Confidential. We don’t share anything you tell us, unless it’s a safeguarding issue or you have given us permission to speak with another service on your behalf .
- Impartial. We aim to give you information about the options available to you, then it’s up to you to make the decisions on how you move forward.
- Arm’s length from the local authority Although our team are employees of North Yorkshire Council, we work independently from the local authority SEND services and departments.
- Free of charge. We do not charge a fee for providing you with information and advice
- Accessible. If you have communication difficulties or English as a second language, we will always do our best to arrange the right support. Our webpages can all be translated into languages other than English, using Google Translate. Please contact us if you need information to be provided in a different format.
- Based in law. All SENDIASS North Yorkshire Coordinators have completed legal training on all areas of SEND including SEN support, Education Health Care Plans and issues such as exclusion.