What happens to EHC Plans for young people Post 16?
Young people with EHCP’s may need longer in education or training to achieve their outcomes and make an effective transition into adulthood.
North Yorkshire Council will consider whether they think it is still necessary and should look at the four outcomes of preparing for adulthood alongside the four broad areas of need within Section B of their education health and care plan.
The four outcomes for preparation for adulthood are:
- moving into paid employment and higher education
- independent living
- having friends and relationships and being part of their communities
- being as healthy as possible
Education and training may happen at different stages for individuals, so not all plans will need to remain in place until age 25. A EHC plan can remain in place until the end of the academic year in which the young person turns 25, if needed.
When a young person’s EHC plan is due to come to an end, North Yorkshire Council should put effective plans in place to support the young person when moving across to adult services if necessary. The Local Authority should ensure that reviews of EHC Plans, and adult assessment care plans are fully joined up for young people who will have both. This is to prevent young people having to attend multiple reviews, held by different services, provide duplicate information, or receive support that is not joined up and co-ordinated.
For more information visit our preparation for adulthood section.