North Yorkshire council’s offer

What is the North Yorkshire’s Local Offer?

In 2014 a lot of changes happened in SEND law and this included each Local Authorities (LAs) in England having a statutory duty to produce a ‘Local Offer’ for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and/or a disability (SEND) from 0 to 25. This will give lots of information about different aspects of SEND including information on health and social care when these impact of education.  

North Yorkshire County Council Local Offer can be found here: SEND Local Offer | North Yorkshire Council 

Armed Forces Covenant


The Armed Forces Covenant focusses on helping members of the armed forces community have the same access to government and commercial services and products as anyone else in society. This includes, education and family wellbeing, having a home and access to healthcare. 

Armed Forces Covenant: guidance and support – GOV.UK

What is the MODLAP?

MODLAP means The Ministry of Defence Local Authority Partnership (MODLAP). It is a partnership between the MOD and local authorities in England to support service children last updated in 2024.  


The Ministry of Defence Local Authority Partnership (MODLAP) is a partnership between the MOD and 16 English local authorities that have committed to work together to improve the experience and outcomes of children of UK Armed Forces families. The local authority membership of MODLAP represent those authority areas with the highest numbers of service children in England. 

Current membership: 

  • Birmingham
  • Cornwall
  • Essex
  • Gloucestershire
  • Hampshire
  • Herefordshire
  • Kent
  • Lincolnshire
  • North Yorkshire
  • Oxfordshire
  • Plymouth
  • Portsmouth
  • Rutland
  • Somerset
  • Staffordshire
  • Surrey
  • Wiltshire