Moving local authorities
Moving frequently as part of the military lifestyle can be challenging, particularly if you have a child or young person with SEN or SEND. Often families may have their child’s EHCP agreed in one LA then move to another LA with a different Local offer for education, health and social care provision; you may feel that you are having to start the process all over again or are not getting the same provision.
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 (Chapter 10 pp.219) – recognises the unique needs of Service children with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) and the possible impact that Service-induced mobility and deployment may have on their specific needs. This SEND Code of Practice attempts to meet the aspirations of the Armed Forces Covenant, which has a commitment to prevent or reduce some of the potential disadvantages faced by Service families.
All those with statutory responsibilities towards Service children with SEND should ensure that the impact of their policies, administrative processes and patterns of provision do not disadvantage such children because of their Service-related lifestyle.
This means that those providing education should ensure that there is a process to enable all relevant records for Service children with SEND to be sent and received by the schools on moving, in the UK and overseas, to enable effective planning. This should ideally be done before your child attends the new school.
Most children and young people with SEND have their needs met in their local mainstream school or college. However, in a few cases, settings are unable to meet children and young people’s SEND needs from within the resources ordinarily available to them and it may be necessary to consider a request for an EHC Needs Assessment. If this is the case, and an EHC Needs Assessment is agreed by the Local Authority, then:
- Local Authorities need to consider the likely impact on the child or young person’s needs, and the provision made to meet them, of any relevant Service-related issue, when carrying out an EHC needs assessment.
- If a child/young person is undergoing an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment, the LA must ask CEAS for advice to inform the assessment
Special Educational Needs and EHCP Transfers
Service Children’s Assessment of Need (SCAN) is the name of the assessment that will take place instead of an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in the UK if needed, where in some locations such as Scotland EHCP’s are not part of the SEND system.
MOD Local Authority Partnership (MODLAP) – GOV.UK
MOD Assessment of Supportability Overseas (MASO): The availability of educational, health and social care facilities to support children with SEND is different in overseas commands and varies between commands. Prior to a service parents posting overseas, the needs of all service children will be assessed to ensure that the educational needs can be met. This process is part of the MOD’s Assessment of Supportability (MASO).
Service Family Accommodation
The MOD’s Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) manages thousands of properties in the UK