
Information about school and college funding

What funding do nurseries, schools and colleges get to support a child or young person with SEN?

We understand that parents and carers often feel anxious about funding, and it can become the main focus. However, within SEND Law the focus should be on the special educational needs of the child or young person and how to provide for those needs.

Mainstream Schools including local authority maintained, academies and free schools

All mainstream schools should inform the local authority of the number of pupils that they have identified as having SEN. The LA then provides the school with a set amount of funding per pupil. This funding is not ring-fenced to any particular child/young person, but the school must evidence how children with SEN benefit from how it is spent. This funding is referred to as Level 2 Funding. (Level 1 funding is a school’s base budget)

If a child or young person has an EHCP then they will receive top-up or Level 3 funding. This funding is a local authority decision and is not part of the statutory process and so is not appealable to the SEND Tribunal.

Independent schools and colleges

Independent schools and colleges do not receive SEN funding from the local authority, Department for Education or from the Education Funding and Skills Agency.

If a child/young person with an Education Health and Care Plan does attend an independent school the local authority normally pays both Element 2 and Element 3 funding to ensure the school can provide the special educational provision set out in the EHC plan.

What if the funding already provided to settings is not enough to put the support needed in place?

If schools and colleges have used their existing SEN resources to put provision in place or it is clear that additional funding is needed to help them to provide what is needed then they may need to request top up funding from the Local Authority. This is often known as Element 3 funding and in North Yorkshire this is arranged through an Education Health and Care plan.

Useful Documents

SEN Support in Mainstream School

Useful Links

SEN Funding ( 

See our Where can I find out more about SEND Support  section to find further information.