Before the Meeting
Things to think about:
- Have you had copies of all the information for the meeting? If not, contact the meeting organiser.
- Prepare some notes or a list of things that you want to say or ask. If you need support ask a trusted adult to help you.
- Do you need anything for the meeting, such as visual aids or an accessible venue? Let the meeting organiser know as soon as you can.
- Do you know who will be there, would you like them to wear name labels?
- Will you take some notes in the meeting, or ask someone to take them for you, or would you like the meeting to be recorded, to listen to again?
- Have there been meetings before this one? Do you have notes about what was agreed and should have been done?
- Is there anything you need to take in the meeting to help you feel comfortable?
- You can ask for a break if you need one. Do you feel comfortable asking or do you want to agree a signal with the meeting organiser to indicate you need a break?
At the meeting
Someone should lead or take charge of the meeting. This person should explain who is at the meeting and the order of things to be discussed.
You can stop the meeting at any time if you need to or ask a question if you do not understand something. If you need to, set up an agreed signal with the organiser if you feel you can’t speak up.
Things to think about: -
- Do you know who everyone is and why they are there? If not, ask the organiser before the meetings starts or during the meeting.
- Is there anything you need the other people in the meeting to know, such as any signs or signals you might use? If so, make the organiser aware before the meeting starts.
- Do you know what is going to be talked about? The organiser should outline of what is to be discussed.
- Do you know when it will be your turn to speak? Or do you need support with this?
- Do you need a drink? You can take a water bottle into the meeting.
- Do you need a break? Use the arranged signal if needed.
- Who is taking notes and how will you get a copy? Ask the organiser if notes will be taken.
- Do you have all the paperwork you need? If during the meeting you have missing paperwork make others aware.
- Can you follow the meeting, have they included things you need such as visual aids etc? When you arrive check you have everything you need.
- Is there a clear action plan telling you who will be doing anything, how they will do it and by when? This should be clear to everyone at the end of the meeting, if not ask the organiser to go through the actions.
- What will happen next after this meeting? Ensure you get a copy of the action plan.
- Will there be any more meetings?
After the meeting
It is important that you are clear on what was agreed and what will happen next.
Things to think about:
- Did you feel listened to?
- Do you have any unanswered questions?
- Did you say everything you wanted to?
- Will there be another meeting or a review?
- Will you get copies of any notes, minutes or action plans?
- Do you want or need to speak to anyone about this meeting?
- Are you clear on what will happen next?
If you are unhappy with what happens at a meeting, you can find more information about this on the Speak Up website or by watching this video made by the NHS:
Ask Listen Do film for people with a learning disability, autistic people, their families and carers